For years, there has been a dispute with the Svabard Islands in the Barents Sea. In 1920, a treaty prohibited military installations on the islands and allowed 41 nations equal rights to mine coal. The islands remained in Norwegian control. However, Russia continues to dispute Norway's fishing rights beyond Svabard territorial limits and within the Treaty zone. Which type of border dispute does the dispute best exemplify?

For years, there has been a dispute with the Svabard Islands in the Barents Sea. In 1920, a treaty prohibited military installations on the islands and allowed 41 nations equal rights to mine coal. The islands remained in Norwegian control. However, Russia continues to dispute Norway's fishing rights beyond Svabard territorial limits and within the Treaty zone. Which type of border dispute does the dispute best exemplify?

A) Functional/operational dispute.
B) Positional/locational dispute.
C) Cultural dispute.
D) Resource dispute.
E) Territorial dispute.

Answer: D

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