Farmers in LDCs choose to grow drug crops for export

Farmers in LDCs choose to grow drug crops for export

A) based on their market value in MDCs.
B) based on their proximity to market.
C) depending on whether or not they can grow corn.
D) depending on whether there are any users in their own country.

Answer: A

Von Thünen's model can best be used to explain the location of which of the following types of agriculture?

Von Thünen's model can best be used to explain the location of which of the following types of agriculture?

A) dairying in the Northeast United States
B) ranching in the dry lands of North Africa
C) shifting cultivation in the tropics of South America
D) intensive subsistence in South China
E) mediterranean agriculture in central Chile

Answer: A

Genetically modified crops have

Genetically modified crops have

A) higher yields.
B) greater resistance to climate change.
C) more resistance to pests.
D) all of the above
E) A and C

Answer: E

What is the purpose of crop rotation?

What is the purpose of crop rotation?

A) maintaining fresh products for market
B) maintaining price supports
C) maintaining the fertility of fields
D) responding to shifting consumer preference
E) reducing transportation costs

Answer: C

Mixing crops and livestock allows farmers to

Mixing crops and livestock allows farmers to

A) distribute the workload of the crops and livestock evenly throughout the year.
B) generate 3/4ths of their income from the sale of livestock.
C) create a system where crops provide food for livestock and the livestock provide manure for crop fertilization.
D) all of the above.
E) none of the above.

Answer: D

Which is not a characteristic of shifting cultivation?

Which is not a characteristic of shifting cultivation?

A) Land is cleared by slashing the vegetation.
B) Debris is burned to provide the soil with nutrients.
C) A new site is designated every few years.
D) Swiddens not under cultivation are used for fruit trees.
E) All of the above are characteristics.

Answer: E

Geographer Derwent Whittlesey divided the world into ________ agricultural regions (not including his area of nonexistent agriculture). ____ were classified as found in MDCs and ________ as found in LDCs.

Geographer Derwent Whittlesey divided the world into ________ agricultural regions (not including his area of nonexistent agriculture). ____ were classified as found in MDCs and ________ as found in LDCs.

A) 11; 6; 5
B) 12; 6; 6
C) 11; 5; 6
D) 6; 5; 1
E) none of the above

Answer: A

Hunting and gathering societies

Hunting and gathering societies

A) include about 15 percent of the world's people.
B) are found in isolated places in the world.
C) are characterized by large concentrations of people.
D) occur nearly everywhere but are especially common in Europe.
E) are responsible for most of the environmental degradation of the planet.

Answer: B

Which statement correctly describes hunting and gathering?

Which statement correctly describes hunting and gathering?

A) All humans obtained their food this way before the invention of agriculture.
B) It is a form of nomadism.
C) This form of subsistence is still practiced.
D) Hunter gatherers live in small groups.
E) all of the above

Answer: E

Outside of the three main regions where industry is concentrated (Europe, North America, and East Asia), the next two largest industrial producing countries are

Outside of the three main regions where industry is concentrated (Europe, North America, and East Asia), the next two largest industrial producing countries are

A) Brazil and Peru.
B) Pakistan and Brazil.
C) South Africa and India.
D) India and Pakistan.
E) none of the above

Answer: E

Among the surviving steel plants in the United States, production concentrated in the southern Lake Michigan area has increased its share of national production, primarily because of access to

Among the surviving steel plants in the United States, production concentrated in the southern Lake Michigan area has increased its share of national production, primarily because of access to

A) markets.
B) government subsidies.
C) cheap labor.
D) fluid capital.
E) raw materials.

Answer: A

New U.S. automobile assembly plants have been built in the

New U.S. automobile assembly plants have been built in the 

A) West, to minimize access to Japan.
B) Southeast to avoid winter production cost.
C) Midwest, to minimize national distribution costs.
D) Northeast, to minimize access to the largest market.
E) Sunbelt, to minimize labor costs.

Answer: C

Metal fabrication plants are an example of a bulk-gaining industry because

Metal fabrication plants are an example of a bulk-gaining industry because 

A) the mills are near the mines.
B) parts suppliers package shipments in bulk containers.
C) parts suppliers supply components with just-in-time management.
D) separate parts are combined to make more complex and massive products.
E) refineries import most material from other countries.

Answer: D

The Italian Po river basin

The Italian Po river basin 

A) has inexpensive hydroelectricity.
B) is Southern Europe's' oldest and most important industrial area.
C) has a key asset in cheaper labor compared to Europe's other industrial regions.
D) contains two-thirds of the country's industry.
E) has all the above characteristics.

Answer: E

A main benefit for manufacturers of just-in-time delivery is

A main benefit for manufacturers of just-in-time delivery is 

A) that it reduces the money a manufacturer uses for wasteful inventory.
B) that it improves delivery time to the customer
C) that it allows the manufacturer to reduce factory size
D) A and B
E) A and C

Answer: E

Both Europe and the United States have seen interregional shifts of manufacturing, but one difference is

Both Europe and the United States have seen interregional shifts of manufacturing, but one difference is

A) in the United States, government policies have encouraged relocation.
B) movement to the west in Europe and to the east in the United States.
C) concentration in Europe and diffusion in the United States.
D) concentration in the United States and diffusion in Europe.
E) in Europe, government policies have encouraged relocation.

Answer: E

Canada's most important industrial area is

Canada's most important industrial area is 

A) the northern shore of Lake Superior.
B) the sea ports of Nova Scotia.
C) the St. Lawrence Valley and Ontario Peninsula.
D) along the U.S. border in Saskatchawan.
E) Vancouver, British Columbia.

Answer: C

Because the motor vehicle assembly industry is typically described as a bulk-gaining industry, Honda's most important factor when selecting a location for a new assembly plant in the United States was

Because the motor vehicle assembly industry is typically described as a bulk-gaining industry, Honda's most important factor when selecting a location for a new assembly plant in the United States was

A) minimizing the cost of shipping finished vehicles to its customers.
B) minimizing the cost of shipping inputs.
C) the location of railroads.
D) maximizing delivery time to customers.
E) the location of highways.

Answer: A

The U.S. government distinguishes between foreign and domestic cars

The U.S. government distinguishes between foreign and domestic cars 

A) for the U.S. Department of Treasury Customs Service to set tariffs.
B) for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to measure fuel efficiency.
C) for informing customers under the American Automobile Labeling Act.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer: D

The shift in steel production locations in the United States from the mid-nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth century can best be described as

The shift in steel production locations in the United States from the mid-nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth century can best be described as

A) starting in the Midwest and then migrating towards Pittsburgh before ending up on the East and West coast.
B) starting on the East and West coast and then migrating towards Pittsburgh before ending in the Midwest.
C) starting in the Pittsburgh area and then migrating towards the Midwest before ending up on the East and West coast.
D) starting in the Pittsburgh area and then migrating towards the East and West coast before moving overseas.

Answer: C

Mexico's maquiladora plants have an advantage of proximity to U.S. markets

Mexico's maquiladora plants have an advantage of proximity to U.S. markets 

A) because they are distributed across central Mexico.
B) but are using obsolete production processes.
C) but high tariffs suppress U.S. sales.
D) but are a bit too far from most U.S. manufacturing facilities for just-in-time delivery.
E) all of the above

Answer: D

Situation costs are critical to a firm that wishes to

Situation costs are critical to a firm that wishes to

A) minimize transport costs.
B) identify unique characteristics of a particular location.
C) minimize production costs inside the plant.
D) avoid labor unions.
E) find an ideal climate.

Answer: A

Beer bottling is an example of a

Beer bottling is an example of a

A) bulk-gaining industry.
B) perishable industry.
C) labor intensive industry.
D) communications-oriented industry.
E) specialized industry.

Answer: A

What two location factors influence industries to remain in the northeastern United States and northwestern Europe?

What two location factors influence industries to remain in the northeastern United States and northwestern Europe?

A) global communications and fluid capital
B) availability of raw materials and cheap energy
C) skilled labor and rapid delivery to market
D) fluid capital and advantageous tariffs
E) cheap labor and high consumer demand

Answer: C

World cities are defined by

World cities are defined by 

A) their total population.
B) their location relative to other cities.
C) the number and type of business services found there.
D) B and C

Answer: C

The typical medieval European urban settlements were characterized by the

The typical medieval European urban settlements were characterized by the

A) placement of buildings around a central market square.
B) dispersal of palaces, churches, and other important buildings throughout the town.
C) provision of parks and open space surrounding important churches.
D) demolition of ancient walls surrounding the town.
E) broad avenues in residential districts.

Answer: A

Which statement best describes the relationship between urbanization and the Industrial Revolution?

Which statement best describes the relationship between urbanization and the Industrial Revolution?

A) Urbanization and the Industrial Revolution are unrelated.
B) The Industrial Revolution promoted urbanization.
C) Urbanization preceded the Industrial Revolution by thousands of years.
D) Urbanization preceded the Industrial Revolution by hundreds of years.
E) Urbanization promoted the Industrial Revolution.

Answer: B

Defining cities based on business services found in each gives the ordered hierarchy of

Defining cities based on business services found in each gives the ordered hierarchy of 

A) manufacturing centers, military centers, mining centers, and resort, retirement, and residential centers.
B) world cities, command and control centers, specialized producer-service centers, and dependent centers.
C) dominant world cities, major world cities, command and control centers, and secondary world cities.
D) command and control centers, secondary world cities, specialized producer-service centers, and dependent centers.

Answer: B

According to the range concept of Central Place Theory, people should be willing to travel far distances for a(n) ________ and only willing to travel short distances for ________.

According to the range concept of Central Place Theory, people should be willing to travel far distances for a(n) ________ and only willing to travel short distances for ________.

A) flight out of an airport; groceries
B) wedding; a fast food restaurant
C) championship sporting event; a cup of coffee
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer: D

A central place is a

A central place is a 

A) market center.
B) hinterland.
C) rank-size distribution.
D) range of a good.
E) circular settlement.

Answer: E

What factors determine where back office services will locate in LDCs?

What factors determine where back office services will locate in LDCs?

A) low wage rates and workers who can speak English
B) political stability and cultural diversity
C) tax advantages and bank secrecy laws
D) market threshold and service range
E) military training and proximity to command and control centers

Answer: A

Central Place Theory predicts larger settlements are

Central Place Theory predicts larger settlements are 

A) more numerous and evenly dispersed.
B) less numerous and farther apart.
C) less numerous and closer together.
D) more numerous and farther apart.
E) more numerous and closer together.

Answer: B

LDCs specialize in what two types of business services?

LDCs specialize in what two types of business services? 

A) regional command and control centers
B) management consulting and staff training
C) biotechnology and medical research
D) offshore financial and back office
E) entertainment and recreation

Answer: D

Why is the absence of a rank-size distribution significant in a country like Romania?

Why is the absence of a rank-size distribution significant in a country like Romania?

A) Consumers do not all have access to goods and services.
B) Central planning improved settlement distribution.
C) The capital city Bucharest is a primate city.
D) Consumers do not have to travel far for goods and services.
E) Consumers are less likely to take buses to obtain goods and services.

Answer: A

Which of the following statements best describes an impact of the global recession that occurred in 2008?

Which of the following statements best describes an impact of the global recession that occurred in 2008?

A) MDCs were affected more than LDCs.
B) The Midwest, South, and Western regions of the US were hit disproportionately harder than other areas of the US.
C) It was the first absolute decline in world GDP since the 1930s.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer: B

In a country with a primate city

In a country with a primate city 

A) the largest city is more than twice as large than the second largest city.
B) the country's n-th largest city is 1/n-th the population of the largest city.
C) goods and services may not be evenly distributed throughout the country.
D) A and C.
E) B and C.

Answer: D

A primate city is

A primate city is 

A) at least twice as large as the next smaller city.
B) a rapidly growing city.
C) the center of gravity for a hinterland.
D) the seat of a Roman Catholic diocese.
E) a city with political, economic, and cultural functions.

Answer: A

Periodic markets feature

Periodic markets feature

A) prices that change on a seasonal schedule.
B) vendors who move to serve more towns.
C) large sales after the holiday season.
D) specialized business services.

Answer: B

The city-state is an example of

The city-state is an example of 

A) a state dominated by its major city.
B) a functional region.
C) diffuse political functions.
D) a local government of the Roman Empire.
E) an early form of urban settlement.

Answer: A

The attraction of the call center industry to locate in India can best be explained by

The attraction of the call center industry to locate in India can best be explained by

A) Indian students' ability to work at night and geographic situational factors.
B) wide use of English and the large number of working students.
C) low wages and wide use of English.
D) low wages and geographic situational factors.
E) none of the above.

Answer: C

Dispersed rural settlements, typically found in the North American rural landscape, are comprised of

Dispersed rural settlements, typically found in the North American rural landscape, are comprised of

A) farmers living alongside neighbors in settlements
B) farmers clustered along a river or road to facilitate communication amongst each other
C) farmers living in a central space surrounded by structures
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer: E