UN experts concluded that Iraq had ________ in 1991 after its Desert Storm defeat, but officials in U.S. president George W. Bush's administration attempted to argue that the UN experts were wrong.

UN experts concluded that Iraq had ________ in 1991 after its Desert Storm defeat, but officials in U.S. president George W. Bush's administration attempted to argue that the UN experts were wrong.

A) destroyed its weapons of mass destruction
B) hidden its weapons of mass destruction
C) illegally invaded and occupied a neighboring country
D) supported terrorist attacks
E) falsified data concerning the presence of weapons of mass destruction

Answer: : A

Key challenges to establishing a representative government in Iraq after Saddam Hussein are

Key challenges to establishing a representative government in Iraq after Saddam Hussein are

A) geometric boundaries established by British and French treaties.
B) tribal and ethnic differences between provinces.
C) sectarian conflict between the Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
D) Al-Qaeda insurgents opposed to a secular state with U.S. ties.
E) All of these answers are correct.

Answer: : E

Which of the following is not true of al-Qaeda?

Which of the following is not true of al-Qaeda?

A) Al-Qaeda has been implicated in several bombings since the attack on the United States in 2001.
B) Al-Qaeda is a single unified organization.
C) Most al-Qaeda cell members have lived in ordinary society, supporting themselves with jobs or crime.
D) Finance, media, legal-religious policy and military committees report to a council called Majiis al shura.
E) Al-Qaeda grew out of the war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

Answer: : B

Terrorism differs from assassinations and other acts of political violence because

Terrorism differs from assassinations and other acts of political violence because

A) attacks are never well coordinated.
B) attacks are aimed at military targets or political leaders.
C) attacks are aimed at ordinary people.
D) attacks use only personal and improvised weapons.
E) attacks are typically made without regard for political goals.

Answer: : C

Since the end of the Cold War,

Since the end of the Cold War,

A) Russia has become a nation-state, with the expulsion of minorities from regions such as the Caucasus.
B) military alliances have become more important in Europe.
C) nationalities have been discouraged from expressing their cultural identities, particularly in the Caucasus region and Siberia.
D) Russia has undergone political and economic turmoil, including rebellion in the Caucasus region.
E) COMECON has reemerged as a major economic entity in Eastern Europe, and has cooperated with the European Union and NATO on environmental issues and regional trade.

Answer: : D

Which of the following is true about both China and Taiwan?

Which of the following is true about both China and Taiwan?

A) Neither one is a member of the United Nations.
B) Both consider Taiwan to be the sovereign property of the communist government in Beijing.
C) Both now hold seats in the United Nations.
D) Neither was once ruled by the Nationalists, although both have official relationships with the United States.
E) Both were once ruled by the Nationalists, and both have official relationships with the United States.

Answer: : E

The boundary between the two Germanys was determined by

The boundary between the two Germanys was determined by

A) Cold War alliances and rivalries after World War II.
B) membership in the United Nations, along with nationalistic issues.
C) the growth of fascism in Europe.
D) the changing physical boundaries of Europe's major rivers and coastlines.
E) cultural issues involving shifting language patterns in Europe.

Answer: : A

In ________ in 1979, when the U.S.-supported leader of the country was ousted from power, supporters of the ayatollah seized the U.S. embassy and held 62 Americans hostage until January 20, 1981.

In ________ in 1979, when the U.S.-supported leader of the country was ousted from power, supporters of the ayatollah seized the U.S. embassy and held 62 Americans hostage until January 20, 1981.

A) Iran
B) Iraq
C) Afghanistan
D) Egypt
E) Israel

Answer: : A

______ entered Afghanistan in the ________ to help fight a jihad against the Soviet Union, and years later he opposed the stationing of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia.

______ entered Afghanistan in the ________ to help fight a jihad against the Soviet Union, and years later he opposed the stationing of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia.

A) Osama bin Laden- 1980s
B) Osama bin Laden- 1990s
C) Osama bin Laden- 1970s
D) Muhammad bin Laden- 1980s
E) Ladenbil al Reilly- 1980s

Answer: : A

As a result of a 1979 Soviet invasion, Osama bin Laden left Saudi Arabia to join the rebellion of fundamentalist Muslims calling themselves

As a result of a 1979 Soviet invasion, Osama bin Laden left Saudi Arabia to join the rebellion of fundamentalist Muslims calling themselves

A) mujahedeen, or "holy warriors."
B) kamchatkadeen, or "Kamcha warriors."
C) iraqideen, or "Southwest Asian warriors."
D) jalomadeen, or "peace warriors."
E) Islamic Brotherhood "holy warriors."

Answer: : A

In the geopolitical sphere, a balance of power is

In the geopolitical sphere, a balance of power is 

A) a condition of roughly equal strength between opposing sides, as if they were two equally matched camps.
B) always bipolar but reinforced by satellite states.
C) a condition of unequal strength between opposing sides, as if they were two powerful allies, supported by a range of satellite states.
D) exemplified by a League of Nations or, in the post-World War II era, the United Nations.
E) the type of power shared by the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Answer: : A

The two Germanys

The two Germanys

A) existed separately from 1949 to 1990.
B) are the newest UN member states in Europe.
C) were divided by proto-Germanic languages.
D) are on opposite banks of the Rhine River.
E) were divided by economic and cultural boundaries until 1871.

Answer: : A

When gerrymandering takes place, the kind of redistricting that concentrates opposition voters into a small number of districts, allowing the party in power to gain control of numerous other districts, is termed a(n) ________ strategy.

When gerrymandering takes place, the kind of redistricting that concentrates opposition voters into a small number of districts, allowing the party in power to gain control of numerous other districts, is termed a(n) ________ strategy.

A) excess vote
B) red-state rigged
C) stacked vote
D) wasted vote
E) in excess vote

Answer: : A

An increasing number of states have adopted a federal form of government primarily to

An increasing number of states have adopted a federal form of government primarily to

A) grant different ethnicities or nationalities more effective representation.
B) encourage the breakup of the superpower alliances.
C) govern compact states more effectively.
D) deploy scarce resources efficiently.
E) accommodate right wing political parties and their demands for more representation in national elections.

Answer: : A

The European Union has

The European Union has

A) replaced COMECON as the main organization for regional cooperation in Eastern Europe.
B) protected Western Europe from a Soviet invasion and improved Europe's environmental protections.
C) promoted economic growth and integration in Western Europe.
D) closed NATO military bases around the Mediterranean Sea in order to save money since the end of the Cold War.
E) protected Southwestern Asia and North Africa from Muslim incursions.

Answer: : C

After the fall of communism, Poland

After the fall of communism, Poland

A) adopted a unitary form of government.
B) became a nation-state.
C) delegated more authority to local governments.
D) gave most of its federal power to its ethnic minorities.
E) annexed land from Germany.

Answer: : C

As shown on this map, the Aozou Strip

As shown on this map, the Aozou Strip

A) is a zone of conflict between Russia and its neighbors in the Caucasus region.
B) exists because of Egypt's past invasions of the Sinai Peninsula.
C) disappeared when the disputed border between Egypt and Libya was overrun.
D) is a disputed zone that abuts Niger on the west and Sudan on the east.
E) forms an elongated strip of disputed land between Chad and Egypt.

Answer: : D

The conflict over the Aozou Strip involves

The conflict over the Aozou Strip involves

A) centripetal forces acting in the absence of any centrifugal forces.
B) a disputed border and Egypt's claims of sovereignty over the zone.
C) a disagreement regarding suffrage and a disputed border.
D) a disputed border and Libya's claims of sovereignty over the zone.
E) Aozou attempts to join the United Nations as a sovereign nation-state.

Answer: : D

A frontier, in contrast to a boundary,

A frontier, in contrast to a boundary,

A) separates two states.
B) is an area rather than a line.
C) has become a more common means to separate states.
D) is a region of ethnic conflict.
E) is the westernmost part of a state.

Answer: : B