Which statement best describes the distribution of the Jewish population in the world?

Which statement best describes the distribution of the Jewish population in the world?

A) Nearly 90% of all Jews in the world live in Israel.
B) Most Jews live in Russia and Eastern Europe.
C) About half of all Jews live in Israel, the rest are concentrated in urban areas of Europe and North America.
D) About half of all Jews live in European cities, the rest live in Israel.
E) Only one-quarter of all Jews live in Israel, the rest are concentrated in North America.

Answer: C

Ethnic religions

Ethnic religions

A) are made up of homogeneous populations.
B) do not seek converts.
C) are monotheistic.
D) all of the above.
E) A and B only.

Answer: E

Religiously, Turkey differs from Saudi Arabia in which of the following ways?

Religiously, Turkey differs from Saudi Arabia in which of the following ways?

A) Turkey is Christian; Saudi Arabia is Muslim.
B) Turkey is a theocracy; Saudi Arabia is a monarchy.
C) Turkey practices a more strict form of Shari?a than Saudi Arabia.
D) Turkey is more Westernized and secular than Saudi Arabia.
E) Turkish Muslims are Shi?ite, while Saudi Muslims are Sunni.

Answer: D

Which statement best describes the Muslim population of the world?

Which statement best describes the Muslim population of the world?

A) The largest number of Muslims is in South Asia and Southeast Asia.
B) The largest number of Muslims is in the Middle East and North Africa.
C) The Muslim population is equally divided between the Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.
D) The largest number of Muslims is in Southwest Asia and East Africa.
E) The largest number of Muslims is in West Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Answer: A

How are Buddhism and Hinduism different?

How are Buddhism and Hinduism different?

A) Buddhists practice meditation; Hindus reject the practice of meditation.
B) Hindus have a rigid class system (castes or varnas); Buddhists reject the caste system.
C) Hindus believe in reincarnation; Buddhists believe in a heaven.
D) Buddhists believe in ahimsa (non-violence), while Hindus do not believe in nonviolence.
E) Buddhists are polytheists; Hindus are monotheists

Answer: B

How are Buddhism and Hinduism similar?

How are Buddhism and Hinduism similar?

A) Both religions believe in a judgment day and rewards in heaven.
B) Both religions believe in magic and divination.
C) Both religions believe in a rigid class system (caste system).
D) Both religions believe in ahimsa, the principle of non-violence.
E) All of the above.

Answer: D

Europe's Roman Catholic population is largely concentrated in the southern part of the continent. This is most likely due to

Europe's Roman Catholic population is largely concentrated in the southern part of the continent. This is most likely due to

A) its proximity to Rome.
B) Protestants finding refuge in the north?s high mountains.
C) the influence of the Huegenots on the south.
D) Northern European areas that were never converted to Roman Catholicism.
E) all of the above.

Answer: A

Which statement about universalizing religions is correct?

Which statement about universalizing religions is correct?

A) A universalizing religion is one into which people are born.
B) A universalizing religion is usually easy to join.
C) A universalizing religion seeks converts from other religions.
D) A and B only.
E) B and C only.

Answer: E

One of the most obvious ways for a culture to exert its influence on the landscape in an urban area is to

One of the most obvious ways for a culture to exert its influence on the landscape in an urban area is to

A) take out loans from bankers.
B) make sure business signs are written in their language.
C) make sure that their children go to public schools.
D) make sure their business leaders join the chamber of commerce.
E) all of the above.

Answer: B

Most English-speaking countries around the world speak British English because

Most English-speaking countries around the world speak British English because

A) American English is not considered to by a form of proper English.
B) American English is considered vulgar by most educated people.
C) most people do not like Americans, so they refuse to copy them.
D) British colonized many areas around the world.
E) all of the above.

Answer: D

A creole language

A creole language

A) is a pidgin language that has evolved to become a group's first language.
B) is a mixture of French and another language.
C) has few, if any, grammar rules.
D) has a limited vocabulary.
E) is not the first language of an individual

Answer: A

A pidgin language

A pidgin language

A) has a limited vocabulary.
B) has few, if any, grammar rules.
C) is a simplified language based on two separate languages.
D) is not the first language of any person.
E) all of the above.

Answer: E

Cultural groups often work to preserve and protect their languages

Cultural groups often work to preserve and protect their languages

A) because oral history will be lost if the language is not preserved.
B) because language is an essential part of a culture?s identity.
C) as a reaction against folk culture forces.
D) all of the above.
E) A and B only.

Answer: E

Which of the following statements about Spanglish is false?

Which of the following statements about Spanglish is false?

A) Spanglish is a mixing of Spanish and English.
B) Spanglish involves converting English words to Spanish forms.
C) Spanglish has developed new grammar rules as well as new vocabulary.
D) Spanglish is spoken by many Hispanics in the United States.
E) Spanglish is an example of hierarchical diffusion.

Answer: C

Problems with multi-lingual states include

Problems with multi-lingual states include

A) increased costs for printing government signs and literature in multiple languages.
B) antagonism between speakers of the different languages.
C) confusion, as some place names are identified differently in the different languages.
D) all of the above.
E) A and B only.

Answer: D

Which statement about official languages is true?

Which statement about official languages is true?

A) Official languages are always spoken by the majority of citizens of a country.
B) Official languages are the language of the largest cultural group of a country.
C) Each country can only have one official language.
D) Official languages are used by the government for use in its daily business.
E) All of the above.

Answer: D

An isogloss is

An isogloss is

A) a form of a language spoken in a local area.
B) a collection of unique words.
C) a boundary between language regions.
D) the transition zone between cultures.
E) all of the above.

Answer: C

Problems with the Chinese ideographic writing systems include

Problems with the Chinese ideographic writing systems include

A) many symbols no longer have meaning.
B) in order to be literate, a person must memorize thousands of symbols.
C) each dialect has its own symbols for writing.
D) each symbol must correspond with the pronunciation of the word it represents.
E) all of the above.

Answer: B

Which statement about the English language is correct?

Which statement about the English language is correct?

A) Worldwide, there are three times as many native speakers of English as second language speakers.
B) It is a member of the Latin language branch.
C) It has been largely influenced by the French language.
D) It has only two separate dialects: British and American.
E) It is the official language of the United States.

Answer: C

Which statement about the diffusion of the English and Chinese languages is true?

Which statement about the diffusion of the English and Chinese languages is true?

A) English has diffused worldwide, while Chinese is spoken mostly in China.
B) English is spoken in only the United Kingdom and the United States, while Chinese is spoken all over East Asia.
C) English and Chinese are both spoken worldwide as lingua franca languages.
D) The number of English speakers is declining, while the number of Chinese speakers is steadily increasing.
E) All of the above.

Answer: A

Animal domestication became possible when:

Animal domestication became possible when:

agriculture emerged

A. the industrial revolution occured
B. people began to have less children
C. people became sedentary
D. people discovered metalurgy

Answer: C

Slash and burn agriculture is

Slash and burn agriculture is

a. not sustainable
b. practiced in high, mountainous regions
c. typical for tropical forests
d. a relatively new invention
e. always completely sustainable

Answer: C

The first agriculturalists were:

The first agriculturalists were:

A. commercial farmers
B. European entrepreneurs
C. also hunter gatherers
D. also ranchers
E. most likely males

Answer: C