The population pyramid of a city in southern Florida, Arizona, or even northern Japan may appear _________ because the city's population is dominated by elderly people.

The population pyramid of a city in southern Florida, Arizona, or even northern Japan may appear _________ because the city's population is dominated by elderly people.

A)"upside down"
B)to have a wide base
C)to have perfectly vertical sides
D)to be an "age-sex ratio"

Answer: A

The shape of a country's population pyramid

The shape of a country's population pyramid 

A) is determined primarily by its crude birth rate
B)has no correlation to its cruse death rate
C) cannot be used to estimate the country's dependency rate
D)cannot be used to estimate the country's sex ratio
E)is determined by the combination of its crude birth rate and its crude growth rate

Answer: A

Country A has approximately 100,000 children between the ages of 0 and 14, although it has a high infant mortality rate. It also has 202,000 elderly people who have retired from work, although most continue to live in multi-generational households with their children and grandchildren. Country A also has 310,000 people who can participate in the workforce. We can use these data to calculate that the

Country A has approximately 100,000 children between the ages of 0 and 14, although it has a high infant mortality rate. It also has 202,000 elderly people who have retired from work, although most continue to live in multi-generational households with their children and grandchildren. Country A also has 310,000 people who can participate in the workforce. We can use these data to calculate that the 

A)dependency ratio is about 50 percent
B)life expectancy ratio is about 50 percent
C)population ratio is high
D)dependency ratio is about 67 percent
E)dependency ratio is about 33 percent

Answer: A

Japan is dealing with economic concerns about an aging population by

Japan is dealing with economic concerns about an aging population by 

A)increasing birth rate
B)encouraging women and older people to work
C)encouraging intermarriage between Japanese and non-Japanese workers
D)increasing its longstanding policy of moving polluting industries to China
E)encouraging immigration

Answer: B

Among the world's countries, the spread between the highest and lowest crude death rates is ______ than the spread between the highest and lowest crude birth rates.

Among the world's countries, the spread between the highest and lowest crude death rates is ______ than the spread between the highest and lowest crude birth rates.

C)the same as
D)more related to income
E)less dependent on social services

Answer: B

Country A has a crude birth rate of 60 and a crude death rate of 15, while Country B has a CBR of 27 and a CDR of 9. Which country has a higher natural increase rate?

Country A has a crude birth rate of 60 and a crude death rate of 15, while Country B has a CBR of 27 and a CDR of 9. Which country has a higher natural increase rate?

A)Country A
B)Country B
C)The NIR is the same in both countries
D)the rate depends on total population, so it can't be computed from this information
E)the CDR has no direct correlation to the CBR, so it cannot help determine the NIR

Answer: A

We can hypothesize with some confidence that Costa Rica has a lower crude death rate than the United States because Costa Rica has

We can hypothesize with some confidence that Costa Rica has a lower crude death rate than the United States because Costa Rica has

A)has a higher sex ratio
B)has more hospitals per person
C)has a milder climate
D)is in Stage 4 of the demographic transition
E)has a lower percentage of elderly people

Answer: E

It may sound strange to hear that the ________ is generally lower for less developed countries than for more developed countries, but the difference is correlated to the average age of each population.

It may sound strange to hear that the ________ is generally lower for less developed countries than for more developed countries, but the difference is correlated to the average age of each population.

A)crude birth rate
B)cruse death rate
C)infant mortality rate
D)natural increase rate
E)total growth rate

Answer: B

Approximately 500 babies were born in Country D in 2011, but 35 of them died before reaching their first birthday. These data can be used to report Country D's

Approximately 500 babies were born in Country D in 2011, but 35 of them died before reaching their first birthday. These data can be used to report Country D's

A)crude death rate
B)infant mortality rate
C)early life expectancy
D)murder rate
E)terminal increase rate

Answer: B

Analyzing the map(s) in this chapter dealing with infant mortality rates, as well as a world map, we can deduce that

Analyzing the map(s) in this chapter dealing with infant mortality rates, as well as a world map, we can deduce that

A)Papua New Guinea has a lower IMR than Indonesia
B)India has a lower than Russia
C)Brazil has a lower IMR than Bolivia
D)Madagascar has a lower IMR than South Africa
E)Chad has a lower IMR than Egypt

Answer: C

Analyzing the maps of crude birth rates and total fertility rates in this chapter we can surmise that Afghanistan has a higher TFR and CBR than its neighbors in

Analyzing the maps of crude birth rates and total fertility rates in this chapter we can surmise that Afghanistan has a higher TFR and CBR than its neighbors in 

A)South Asia only
B)Southwest Asia only
C)Southwest Asia and South Asia
D)South Asia and Southeast Asia
E)Southeast Asia only

Answer: C

The Phatak family in India decides to have five children, although India's official approach to demographic growth includes a public relations campaign encouraging smaller families This illustrates

The Phatak family in India decides to have five children, although India's official approach to demographic growth includes a public relations campaign encouraging smaller families This illustrates 

A)that children represent am economic liability to rural families, despite India'a policies
B)this family fears that high infant mortality rates are associated with smaller family sizes
C)that the women in this family have little or no power in relation to family planning
D)an example of conflict between individual and governments fertility goals
E)the demographic realization that India's population pyramid is skewed because of the preference for male children

Answer: D

The world's annual ________ is currently approximately 1.2 percent, at which rate the world's population is projected to double in about 54 years.

The world's annual ________ is currently approximately 1.2 percent, at which rate the world's population is projected to double in about 54 years.

A)natural increase rate (NIR)
B)life expectancy rate (LER)
C)crude birth rate (CBR)
D)life increase rate (LIR)
E)natural expectancy rate (NER)

Answer: A

When the world's population reached 6 billion in 1995, it was forecast that at a steady rate of growth the population would reach 12 billion in approximately 45 years. That period of 45 years is known as

When the world's population reached 6 billion in 1995, it was forecast that at a steady rate of growth the population would reach 12 billion in approximately 45 years. That period of 45 years is known as 

A) doubling time
B)doubling life expectancy
C)double increase rate
D)double overpopulation
E)double demographic transition

Answer: A

If the physiological density in a given country is very high and its arithmetic density is very low, then a country has

If the physiological density in a given country is very high and its arithmetic density is very low, then a country has

A)inefficient farmers or farmers that are out of work
B)a large number of farmers, although the number of farmers is not as great as the number of people living in the cities
C)a small percentage of land suitable for agriculture, even if there seems to be plenty of space available to live in
D)too many people for the available resources, particularly in regards to agricultural land
E)too few farmers for the large area suitable for agricultural

Answer: C

India and the United Kingdom have approximately the same arithmetic density although their landscapes and sizes are quite different. From this we can conclude that the two countries have roughly the same

India and the United Kingdom have approximately the same arithmetic density although their landscapes and sizes are quite different. From this we can conclude that the two countries have roughly the same

A) level of output per farmer
B) number of people per area of land
C) pressure placed by people on the land to produce food
D) number of farmers per area of land
E) number of people per area of arable land

Answer: B

Physiological density is the number of?

Physiological density is the number of?

A) acres if farmland per total area of a country
B) farmers per area of farmland
C) people per area of flat land
D) people per area suitable for agriculture
E) farm animals per area suitable for agriculture

Answer: D

Comparing the charts, maps, and other data on the world population growth in this chapter, one can deduce that after the Ice Age, approximately 10,000 years ago Earth's human population

Comparing the charts, maps, and other data on the world population growth in this chapter, one can deduce that after the Ice Age, approximately 10,000 years ago Earth's human population

A)changed little because of availability of food from massive land animals
B)began a long period of near stagnation, following a heretofore unprecedented period of rapid growth
C)had not yet appeared on the surface of the planet
D)began to increase at a heretofore unprecedented rate, following millennia of near stagnation
E) increased at unprecedented rates for two centuries, then declined again

Answer: D

Geographers might characterize as overpopulated a country where

Geographers might characterize as overpopulated a country where

A) there are too many people according to a standard economic measure of poverty
B) the population numbers are less than one million, but here is concern that the country's natural resources are adequate for only half the number
C) the population numbers more than 100 million and there is concern about the finite limits of natural resources, although the resources available in the country seem adequate to that population
D) the population numbers are more than one million, and there is an average distribution of population to resources
E) all of these answer choices are correct

Answer: B

The United States census is politically important because

The United States census is politically important because

A) immigrants without proper documentation are tracked and deported by the Census Bureau, which explains immigrants' historically low rates of participation in censuses
B) statistical sampling reveals that homeless people are overcounted, particularly in large cities.
C) some legislative seats, including those of the U.S. House of Representatives are apportioned according to population
D) every vote counts equally in presidential election
E) the U.S. democratic process is never influenced by corporations and corporate money

Answer: C

Metropolitan Statistical Areas

Metropolitan Statistical Areas 

A) have populations of at least 50000.
B) only include land that is urban.
C) encompass 54% of the US population.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer: A

Social area analysis attempts to explain

Social area analysis attempts to explain

A) regions ideal for social services.
B) which of the three models of urban structure is the most accurate in the United States.
C) the development of squatter settlements in developing countries.
D) the distribution of different types of people in an urban area.
E) the changing location of retail and office activities in North American cities.

Answer: D

Public transportation

Public transportation 

A) accounts for 25% of commuters in Chicago but only 10% of total commuters in the US
B) declined from 23 billion trips per year in 1940 to 10 billion in 2006
C) accounts for 60% of commuters in New York City but only 5% of total commuters in the US
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer: B

Sprawl is the

Sprawl is the

A) change in density within an urban area from the center to the periphery.
B) period in the morning and evening with the heaviest volumes of traffic.
C) development of new housing sites not contiguous to the existing built-up area.
D) land maintained as open space surrounding an urban area.
E) increasing population density in rings two and three of the concentric zone model.

Answer: C

A recent change in the density gradient has been

A recent change in the density gradient has been

A) a reduction in the differences in densities found within an urban area.
B) an increase in the differences in densities found within an urban area.
C) an increase in the extremes between the inner and outer areas.
D) the elimination of the gap traditionally found in the center.
E) an increase in the number of people living in the center.

Answer: A

The density gradient

The density gradient 

A) now shows a reduction in the extremes of density between inner and outer areas found within cities.
B) shows a gap in center cities due to the changing pattern of where people live in recent years
C) usually shows a diminishing number of houses per unit of land as the distance from the city center increases.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer: D

In U.S. cities the underclass is

In U.S. cities the underclass is 

A) distributed uniformly in the city.
B) clustered in suburbs.
C) clustered in inner-city neighborhoods.
D) distributed across the commuters zone.
E) dispersed throughout the city.

Answer: C

Megalopolis refers to

Megalopolis refers to 

A) regional government federation.
B) consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas.
C) adjacent overlapping Metropolitan Statistical Areas.
D) central cities.
E) central cities plus urbanized areas.

Answer: C

An example of the "vertical geography" of a CBD is

An example of the "vertical geography" of a CBD is 

A) the hilly streets found in downtown San Francisco.
B) building height constrained by natural or cultural factors like earthquakes in Tokyo or zoning codes in DC.
C) a barber shop on the bottom floor of a building an accounting firm occupying the middle floor and a group of condos on the top floor.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer: C

The purpose of busing in many U.S. suburbs is to

The purpose of busing in many U.S. suburbs is to 

A) promote racially integrated neighborhoods.
B) encourage long-distance commuting.
C) encourage children to walk to school.
D) transport commuters from the inner city.
E) promote racially integrated schools.

Answer: E

U.S. inner cities face fiscal problems because

U.S. inner cities face fiscal problems because

A) middle-class families are attracted there.
B) low-income people are concentrated there.
C) block busting has changed the ethnic neighborhoods.
D) redlining is no longer legal.
E) federal and state funds are available.

Answer: B



A) stagnates the change in a city's ethnic patterns.
B) occurs because lower income families are no longer attracted to deteriorated housing.
C) allows lower income families to remain in their homes through public subsidies.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer: E

When the models of urban structure developed in Chicago are applied to Rio de Janeiro one conclusion is that

When the models of urban structure developed in Chicago are applied to Rio de Janeiro one conclusion is that

A) both cities are located near large lakes.
B) Rio de Janeiro doesn't have high income neighborhoods.
C) the poorest people are located in different areas.
D) Physical geography has not influenced the distribution of social classes Rio de Janeiro.
E) the models don't work in Rio de Janeiro.

Answer: C

All three models of urban structure

All three models of urban structure 

A) depend on the use of data like that of the US Census.
B) help explain why people live where they do in cities.
C) help explain where different types of people live in an urban area.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

Answer: D