In the 1700s, 1800s, and afterward, English diffusion has been strongly related to colonialism and imperialism in many parts of the world because

In the 1700s, 1800s, and afterward, English diffusion has been strongly related to colonialism and imperialism in many parts of the world because

a. conquered populations refused to use English while colonial and imperial expansion was underway.
b. conquered peoples wishing to participate in the new government and the increasingly global economy felt pressured to learn English.
c. religious missionaries from every European country used English-language translations of the Bible.
d. as imperial Russia and China expanded they used English as a lingua franca in Asia.
e. people in conquered countries knew that in the distant future, English would become the main language associated with exports of popular culture, such as Disney cartoons and Hollywood movies.

Answer: B

English has achieved unprecedented acceptance globally due to

English has achieved unprecedented acceptance globally due to

a. the rise of folk culture and the decline of popular culture.
b. the diffusion of command economies across much of the world.
c. the refusal to use English in colonial and imperial expansion.
d. the diffusion of religion from LDCs to MDCs.
e. its role as the common language of a global economy and culture.

Answer: E

Which statement best describes the use of English on the Internet?

Which statement best describes the use of English on the Internet?

a. The number of English-speaking Internet users remains above 50 percent.
b. English has become less dominant but is still the leading Internet language.
c. Different Internets exist for most other widely spoken languages, like Chinese, Japanese, and Russian.
d. English has become more dominant as the most common language on the Internet.
e. No one seems to be able to spell English correctly anymore.

Answer: B

All of the following describe the English language except

All of the following describe the English language except

a. It has diffused along with economic globalization.
b. Its recent growth is due to expansion diffusion.
c. It is an isogloss.
d. It is a lingua franca.
e. It is an Indo-European language.

Answer: C

Spanish is an important language in the United States primarily because of

Spanish is an important language in the United States primarily because of

a. the global dominance of the United States.
b. the diffusion of Mexican colonies into the northern territories.
c. the Mexican conquest of the U.S. Southwest in the 1800s.
d. the diffusion of Spanish colonies and subsequent migration patterns.
e. official U.S. policies proclaiming Spanish a national language, along with English.

Answer: B

Hebrew is an example of

Hebrew is an example of

a. a language family.
b. an isolated language.
c. an extinct language.
d. a revived language.
e. an Altaic language.

Answer: D

When people who speak a given language migrate to a different location and become isolated from other members of their group

When people who speak a given language migrate to a different location and become isolated from other members of their group

a. their language usually shows very little change even over a long period of time, despite the appearance of a small number of changes typical of different dialects.
b. they immediately develop a literary tradition.
c. groups form multiple dialects.
d. they lose their linguistic abilities.
e. isolation usually results in the differentiation of one language into dialects, followed eventually by two distinct languages.

Answer: E

In the following answer choices, the best example of a literary tradition is

In the following answer choices, the best example of a literary tradition is

a. the oral traditions of Australia's Aborigines that were passed down from generation to generation without the aid of writing.
b. the historical documents and religious texts of the ancient Maya that were partly destroyed by Spanish conquerors.
c. the diffusion of television and radio broadcasts.
d. the variety of dialects in a language used in obscure examples of spoken poetry.
e. the religious rituals and traditions of ancient European civilizations.

Answer: B

The survival of any language relies on

The survival of any language relies on 

a. the political and military strength of its speakers.
b. the homogenization of its dialects.
c. rapid migration into other areas.
d. the efficient "corrections" of the global free market.
e. the spread of its speakers' material culture.

Answer: A

A literary tradition is

A literary tradition is

a. the written form of a language.
b. a language spoken in an area.
c. the variety of dialects in a language used in obscure examples of poetry.
d. a collection of languages related to one other.
e. a form of a language intended to be printed in official government documents.

Answer: A

An analysis of the maps and diagrams in this chapter shows that every European country is dominated by Indo-European speakers except

An analysis of the maps and diagrams in this chapter shows that every European country is dominated by Indo-European speakers except

a. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.
b. Spain, Italy, and Portugal.
c. Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
d. Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia.
e. Finland, Hungary, and Estonia.

Answer: E

The Kurgans

The Kurgans

a. were the earliest speakers of Sino-Caucasian, which they diffused through conquest.
b. were herders from the steppes of Central Asia.
c. were a Germanic tribe that invaded England.
d. conquered much of East Asia several thousand years ago.
e. preserved Basque in present-day Spain.

Answer: B

Dialects developed within England primarily because

Dialects developed within England primarily because

a. the Viking invaders did not remain long in England.
b. the Normans invaded from the south.
c. British Received Pronunciation became the standard dialect.
d. different Germanic invaders settled in different regions.
e. commerce developed more slowly in England than on the European continent.

Answer: D

The two largest language families in the world are

The two largest language families in the world are

a. Balto-Slavic and Sino-Tibetan.
b. Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic.
c. Altaic and Nilo-Saharan.
d. Sino-Tibetan and Indo-European.
e. Afro-Asiatic and Sino-Tibetan.

Answer: D

The geographic study of the distribution of languages provides a good example of

The geographic study of the distribution of languages provides a good example of

a. the diffusion of folk culture in different areas of the world.
b. political conflicts that arise due to ethnic tensions.
c. the diffusion of free markets across much of the world.
d. the role and spread of religion across much of the world.
e. the interplay between globalization and local diversity

Answer: E

The main difference between languages in the same family, branch, or group is how

The main difference between languages in the same family, branch, or group is how

a. recently in time the languages were once the same.
b. closely the speakers of each language live to one other.
c. they correspond to the diffusion of free markets across much of the world.
d. they all emerged at the same point in history, according to the Bible.
e. similar the cultures of the speakers of each language are.

Answer: A