Sri Lanka has continuing ethnic conflict between

Sri Lanka has continuing ethnic conflict between 

A) Sinhalese Buddhists and Tamil Hindus.

B) Dravidian animists and Hindu rebels.

C) Jacobites and Assyrians

D) Urdu separatists and Kashmir rebels.

E) Hutus and Tutsis.

Answer: A

Nation-states in Europe were formed

Nation-states in Europe were formed 

A) in the nineteenth century.

B) easily from empire boundaries.

C) by drawing boundaries.

D) based on language.

E) after the First World War.

Answer: C

A nation or nationality is

A nation or nationality is 

A) a group of people tied to a place through legal status and tradition.

B) a country.

C) ethnic identity.

D) any cohesive group of people.

E) a group with shared religion, language, and origin of birth.

Answer: A

White flight is

White flight is 

A) movement of Whites from northern cities.

B) movement of Whites from southern cities.

C) establishment of suburbs.

D) decrease in percent Whites because of Black migration from the Southeast.

E) emigration of Whites from an area Blacks were anticipated to move to.

Answer: E

Racism is belief in

Racism is belief in 

A) biological classification of people.

B) superiority because of racial identity.

C) inferiority because of racial identity.

D) all of the above

E) B and C

Answer: D

Race is

Race is 

A) characterized by Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic/Latino.

B) self-identification with a group sharing a biological ancestor.

C) determinable from physical characteristics.

D) evenly distributed around the world.

E) defined by statute in most states.

Answer: B

Balkanization refers to

Balkanization refers to 

A) the creation of nation-states in southeastern Europe.

B) the breakdown of a state due to conflicts among nationalities.

C) a small geographic area that cannot successfully be organized into states.

D) ethnic cleansing.

E) religions splintering into opposing groups.

Answer: B

South Africa is the only state in southern Africa that

South Africa is the only state in southern Africa that 

A) still practices apartheid.

B) is completely landlocked.

C) first elected a Black as president during the 1990s.

D) signed the Law of the Sea.

E) has a strong Italian minority population.

Answer: C

What was apartheid?

What was apartheid? 

A) the dialect of Dutch which is spoken in South Africa

B) South Africa's governmental system

C) the existence of landlocked states in southern Africa

D) the geographic separation of races in South Africa

E) the kinship system of Sub-Saharan Africa

Answer: D

Denmark is a good example of a nation-state because

Denmark is a good example of a nation-state because 

A) nearly all Danes speak Danish and live in Denmark.

B) Danish and German nationalities intermingle in Schleswig-Holstein.

C) the people living on the Faeroe islands, which are controlled by Denmark, speak Faeroese.

D) Denmark consolidated its boundaries by giving Greenland to Norway.

E) all of the above

Answer: A

Ethnicity is important because

Ethnicity is important because 

A) it provides the only stable basis of political states.

B) it opposes nationalism.

C) it promotes peace.

D) it is a bulwark for diversity in the face of the globalization of culture.

E) it defines citizenship and sovereignty.

Answer: D

The Commonwealth is primarily

The Commonwealth is primarily

A) an economic and cultural alliance of states once part of the British Empire.
B) an organization of culturally homogenous nations that opposed the Warsaw Pact.
C) organized to increase availability of mineral resources in perforated states that are NATO allies.
D) a religious entity that sends missionaries to Africa from the United Kingdom.
E) an association of countries that were once members of COMECON and the Warsaw Pact.

Answer: A

Examples of major nation-states are

Examples of major nation-states are

A) Germany and Denmark.
B) Australia and New Zealand.
C) Russia and the United States.
D) Mexico and Russia.
E) Mexico and Germany.

Answer: A

The Kurds are

The Kurds are 

A) a multinational state.
B) divided among more than one state.
C) a religious minority in the Middle East.
D) trying to unite with Turkey.
E) the majority population of Iraq.

Answer: B

The problems experienced by Cyprus during the past four decades include all but which of the following?

The problems experienced by Cyprus during the past four decades include all but which of the following?

A) a Greek-inspired military coup
B) a Turkish army invasion
C) a partition of the island by the British as part of independence
D) an increasing spatial segregation of Greeks and Turks
E) division of the capital city by a buffer zone patrolled by UN soldiers

Answer: C

Korea is a good example of a(n)

Korea is a good example of a(n)

A) sovereign state.
B) nation-state existing in a unified condition.
C) ethnicity divided between more than one state.
D) colony divided between more than one ethnicity.
E) patron-state.

Answer: C

The first states in ancient Mesopotamia were

The first states in ancient Mesopotamia were

A) city-states, which incorporated cities as well as their countryside.
B) colonies, which incorporated cities as well as their countryside.
C) empires, which incorporated dozens of unified colonies.
D) nation-states, which incorporated city-states, colonies, and empires.
E) patron-states ruled by sheiks.

Answer: A

The Fertile Crescent

The Fertile Crescent

A) followed the Nile and Euphrates rivers.
B) was the key to the Roman Empire in classical times.
C) was the location of the first city-states in the Middle East and the first large-scale agricultural projects of Sub-Saharan Africa.
D) is sometimes considered to have extended from the Nile Valley to the Atlas Mountains.
E) extended from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea and was the location of the first city-states in the Middle East.

Answer: E

The best example of a nation among the following is

The best example of a nation among the following is

A) an island with a long history of self-rule and a homogeneous ethnic identity, although the island has been under the control of a colonial power for the last 30 years.
B) a group of islands inhabited by a homogeneous ethnicity, although the westernmost islands pertain to the territory of one country whereas the easternmost islands pertain to another country.
C) a mountainous region inhabited by heterogeneous ethnicities and divided up administratively among various independent countries.
D) a mountainous region inhabited by heterogeneous ethnicities which share responsibility for maintaining an independent government and a standing army.
E) a mountainous region inhabited by a mixture of peoples but recently colonized by a European nation-state.

Answer: D

The best example of a state among the following is

The best example of a state among the following is

A) an island with a long history of self-rule and a homogeneous ethnic identity, although the island has been under the control of a colonial power for the last 30 years.
B) a group of islands inhabited by a homogeneous ethnicity, although the westernmost islands pertain to the territory of one country whereas the easternmost islands pertain to another country.
C) a mountainous region inhabited by heterogeneous ethnicities and divided up administratively among various independent countries.
D) a mountainous region inhabited by heterogeneous ethnicities which share responsibility for maintaining an independent government and a standing army.
E) a mountainous region inhabited by a mixture of peoples but recently colonized by a European nation-state.

Answer: D

As indicated on the map of European economic and military alliances, in 2013 Latvia

As indicated on the map of European economic and military alliances, in 2013 Latvia

A) was a member of NATO and the European Community.
B) was a member of NATO but not the European Community.
C) was a member of COMECON and NATO.
D) was a member of the European Community only.
E) was neither a member of NATO nor of the European Community.

Answer: A

As indicated on the map of European economic and military alliances, in 2013 Austria

As indicated on the map of European economic and military alliances, in 2013 Austria

A) was a member of NATO and the European Community.
B) was a member of NATO but not the European Community.
C) was a member of COMECON and NATO.
D) was a member of the European Community only.
E) was neither a member of NATO nor of the European Community.

Answer: D

As indicated on the map of European economic and military alliances, in 2013 Ireland

As indicated on the map of European economic and military alliances, in 2013 Ireland

A) was a member of NATO and the European Community.
B) was a member of NATO but not the European Community.
C) was a member of COMECON and NATO.
D) was a member of the European Community only.
E) was neither a member of NATO nor of the European Community.

Answer: D

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in 1980 Hungary

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in 1980 Hungary

A) was a member of NATO and the European Community.
B) was a member of NATO but not the European Community.
C) was a member of the European Community but not NATO.
D) remained nonaligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact.
E) was a member of the Warsaw Pact and COMECON.

Answer: E

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in 1980 Bulgaria

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in 1980 Bulgaria

A) was a member of NATO and the European Community.
B) was a member of NATO but not the European Community.
C) was a member of the European Community but not NATO.
D) remained nonaligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact.
E) was a member of the Warsaw Pact and COMECON.

Answer: E

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in 1980 Ireland

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in 1980 Ireland

A) was a member of NATO and the European Community.
B) was a member of NATO but not the European Community.
C) was a member of the European Community but not NATO.
D) remained nonaligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact.
E) was a member of the Warsaw Pact and COMECON.

Answer: C

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in 1980 Belgium

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in 1980 Belgium

A) was a member of NATO and the European Community.
B) was a member of NATO but not the European Community.
C) was a member of the European Community but not NATO.
D) remained nonaligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact.
E) was a member of the Warsaw Pact and COMECON.

Answer: A

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in 1980 Sweden

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in 1980 Sweden

A) was a member of NATO and the European Community.
B) was a member of NATO but not the European Community.
C) was a member of the European Community but not NATO.
D) remained nonaligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact.
E) was a member of the Warsaw Pact and COMECON.

Answer: D

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in the late 20th century Austria

As indicated on the maps of economic and political alliances, in the late 20th century Austria

A) was a member of NATO and the European Community.
B) was a member of NATO but not the European Community.
C) was a member of the European Community but not NATO.
D) remained nonaligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact.
E) was a member of the Warsaw Pact and COMECON.

Answer: D

The map concerning United Nations membership indicates that Ethiopia

The map concerning United Nations membership indicates that Ethiopia

A) left the UN in the 1990s but joined again in the early 2000s.
B) has not yet joined the United Nations as an independent state.
C) became a UN member in the 1950s.
D) became a UN member in the 1940s.
E) joined the UN in the 1950s but left it in the 1980s.

Answer: D

The map concerning United Nations membership indicates that most African countries

The map concerning United Nations membership indicates that most African countries

A) left the UN in the 1990s but joined again in the early 2000s.
B) have not yet joined the United Nations as independent states.
C) became UN members in the 1940s and 1950s.
D) became UN members in the 1960s and 1970s.
E) joined the UN in the 1950s but left the UN in the 1980s.

Answer: D

During his presentation at the United Nations, then-Secretary of State Colin Powell used what geographic tool to make the case for war?

During his presentation at the United Nations, then-Secretary of State Colin Powell used what geographic tool to make the case for war?

A) air photos of alleged chemical weapons bunkers
B) documents linking Iran and Afghanistan to yellowcake uranium
C) photos and recordings linking U.S. military leaders to Saddam Hussein
D) air photos showing troop movements and territorial disputes with Kuwait
E) falsified recordings linking Saddam Hussein to al-Qaeda

Answer: A

In 2002 the Organization of African Unity was replaced by

In 2002 the Organization of African Unity was replaced by

A) the African Union.
B) the African National Party.
C) the African Treaty Organization.
D) the Organization of African OPEC States.
E) the Organization for African Economic Cooperation.

Answer: A

Conflicting claims to the Arctic are mostly due to

Conflicting claims to the Arctic are mostly due to 

A) the potential for energy resources.
B) old Cold War grudges.
C) colonial expansion.
D) shifting sea ice formations.
E) the proximity of South American and African countries.

Answer: A

Which of the following isn't true of Al-Qaeda?

Which of the following isn't true of Al-Qaeda?

A) Al-Qaeda is a single unified organization
B) Al-Qaeda was funded by Osama Bin Laden
C) Al-Qaeda began in Afghanistan as a defense against the Soviet takeover
D) Al-Qaeda declared a fatwa against the United States
E) Al-Qaeda donates millions to charity every year

Answer: E

With the end of the Cold War

With the end of the Cold War

A) The Warsaw Pact became obsolete
B) NATO became obsolete
C) Radical Muslim terrorist organizations threaten the democratic world
D) Russia absorbed all of the land known as the USSR
E) A and C

Answer: E

What was the distinctive feature of the world's superpowers between the 1940s and 1980s compared to other eras?

What was the distinctive feature of the world's superpowers between the 1940s and 1980s compared to other eras?

A) the number of superpowers were relatively the same
B) the number of superpowers was much higher than in the past
C) the number of superpowers was much lower than in the past
D) the economy dropped as a result of A
E) both D and A

Answer: C

The Kurds are a

The Kurds are a

A) a religious group
B) nationality that are specific to one state
C) tribe in Africa
D) all of the above
E) nationality divided among more than one state

Answer: E

Conflict is widespread in Africa in part because

Conflict is widespread in Africa in part because

A) tribes do not get along
B) European colonial powers drew inappropriate boundaries
C) many Africans are being taken into slavery
D) religions do not get along well
E) all of the above

Answer: B

The problems experienced by cypress during the past 4 decades include all but which of the following?

The problems experienced by cypress during the past 4 decades include all but which of the following?

A) a partition of the island by the British as part of independence
B) A division of the land by the Greeks and the Turks
C) the establishment of a Turkish republic
D) development of a buffer zone between ethnicities
E) Turkey's recognition of the sovereignty of a portion of the population

Answer: A

A frontier in contrast to a boundary

A frontier in contrast to a boundary

A) separates 2 states
B) is a territory tied to a state
C) is made by rivers
D) is made by geographical landforms
E) none of the above

Answer: A

A state is a good example of

A state is a good example of

A) an ethnic region
B) an organized region
C) unity
D) a group of ethnic groups
E) none of the above

Answer: B

The Fertile Crescent

The Fertile Crescent

A) followed the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
B) extended from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea
C) was the location of the city-states in the Middle East
D) sometimes considered to extend into the Nile River Valley
E) all of the above

Answer: E

Which is not true about both China and Taiwan?

Which is not true about both China and Taiwan?

A) both have official relationships with the U.S.
B) both consider that the two form one sovereign state
C) both now hold seats in the UN
D) both were once ruled by nationalists
E) both B and C

Answer: E

Korea is a good example of

Korea is a good example of

A) an ethnic group
B) a city-state
C) a nation divided between more than one state
D) a bunch of communists
E) a democracy

Answer: C